Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sesame Street Live

After a frustrating morning dealing with Comcast, I am back online. I was not able to access the internet all day yesterday and most of the day today. It took a lot of time and a lot of frustration to get someone from Comcast out here to find the problem, but the man who did show up was wonderful and stayed until it was fixed, even though the problem had nothing to do with their service. We had a really busy day yesterday and I took lots of pics, which made not being able to log on and share them all the more frustrating. Thankfully it was a brief interlude and I can share today instead.

First thing yesterday, I loaded the kids up in the car for a short drive to Bakersfield, CA to see Sesame Street Live, When Elmo Grows Up. Bakersfield is about 1.5 hours away, but with Chris gone, I look for anything to make a day go faster, so off we went.

Clara and Jonathan dressed for the show

Elmo and Dorothy

At the show


Making music


Leaving with their loot

It was a good show. Last year in VA we made it to see their other show Elmo Makes Music. I preferred that show, but that could just be because I didn't have to drive so long to get to it :) Jonathan really enjoyed the show. He does a Cookie Monster impersonation that's hard to describe, I should try and get it on video sometime. So everytime he saw Cookie Monster, he did the impersonation, and everytime he saw Elmo he yelled, "la la la la" in reference to the theme song for Elmo's World.

We had really good seats, front row center. Technically we were in the second row, but no one sat in the front row so that the characters could come out into the crowd throughout the show and shake hands with the kids. Clara got high fives from Rosita, shook Grover's hand, and the purple monster with the horns helped Clara bonk his nose to make his horns blast. It was so cool to see her face light up each time a character interacted with her!

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