Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dance Class

After Sesame Street Live, we had just enough time for Jonathan to get a nap and then head across the street for Clara's 1st dance class. We had a slightly unsuccessful search for dance clothes the other day. We found shoes and a skirt, but no leotards, so Clara insisted on wearing the skirt over her shorts. I was relieved to see that no one was wearing dance clothes when we got to class.

2 of our neighbors are in Clara's dance class as well. Here's a picture of her with Emily again before class began.

Here they are doing stretches and warm up exercises

They were supposed to walk across that line on their toes

Clara couldn't wait to try those tap shoes

Like a pro! (The little boy is our other neighbor, Brady)

Marching around the circle

I had a hard time keeping Jonathan away from his sister. He didn't quite understand why he couldn't do what she was doing. As soon as she took off the tap shoes, he put them on (I tied them so he wouldn't trip himself) and once the instructor told everyone to stretch out on the mat, there was no stopping him.

Clara doing sommersaults on her own!

Clara loved the class, but later she told me, "They didn't teach me how to dance like a ballerina." I guess she wasn't impressed with all the little details, she just wanted to dance!

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