Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tiny Tots

I didn't get the chance to post this pic of Clara the other day. She and Caroline were getting ready to head over to their first Tiny Tots class on Monday. Clara's not constipated, that's just the face we get when we ask her to smile for a picture. I try not to make her pose for too many pics anymore because I either get this face or the mean face after 5 minutes of me trying to get her to stand still, look at me, and not grimmace!

Tuesday they made kites and did water play. She got to bring the kite home today.

Today they made windsocks. I told Clara I may try and stick around for a class soon to see how she interacts and get more pics. The sheet they handed out on the first day said parents were welcome. She seemed to like the idea of me 'coming to school' with her.

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