Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jonathan is 2!!!!!!!!!

My little guy turned 2 doesn't seem possible. Who told him to grow up so fast anyway? I decided at the last minute to invite all the neighbors on our street down to our house for dinner and cake tonight. We're usually all hanging out together in the evenings anyway, and often have dinner together too. About half of the husbands on our street are deployed right now, so it's just nice to have each other's company and friendship.

When Jonathan got dressed this morning he decided he wanted to wear his rain boots -- nevermind that I think we've only seen rain about 4 times in the 10 months we've been here (and today was not one of them). After he got his on, he brought Clara her boots and she happily put hers on as well. We were quite the site walking around town today!

Clara wrapped a couple of Jonathan's presents so they could be from her. I had forgotten to let her pick one out for him and she spent the last week trying to figure out which of her own toys she could wrap for him. I let it go for a while, wondering what she'd come up with. She wanted to give him her old slippers because she knows how much he likes to wear her shoes, and of course, then his feet wouldn't get cold. However, at the last minute she told me she wanted to save them so she could give them to her baby when she grows up and has a baby girl of her own. So I laid out all of Jonathan's presents on my bed and told her to pick 2 to wrap for him. She was so excited to be a part of his big day -- and she picked well!

After Jonathan's nap, he was not in a party mood!

There was time before everyone was supposed to start showing up to eat, so I let the kids open one of Jonathan's gifts. I didn't have enough paper to wrap it anyway!

Watch out! He'll be the next Michael Jordan!

Check out the cake! I'm really proud of it. I made it from scratch, a recipe I found online. It was yummy...and even my decorating skills were pretty good on this one!

Jonathan wasn't sure why everyone was singing.

He blew out the first candle no problem, but after a few tries and a little drool, I let the other kids help him with the second candle.

I think the only time we actually saw all the kids around was when the cake came out. The rest of the time they were off playing in Clara's room!

Jonathan got the first piece, of course!

Everyone liked the cake. I have just 2 small pieces left.

A picture of all the parents. I handed my camera off to one of the neighbors to take pics for me. There's not too many of the birthday boy, but had it not been for my neighbor, I wouldn't have any pics at all. I don't think I sat for more than 5 min all night. I've never entertained so many when Chris wasn't home to help. It was fun, but a challenge! Chris called to wish Jonathan a happy birthday and it was chaotic. We didn't get to talk long, but Jonathan was excited to hear his daddy's voice nonetheless.

Even Aunt Sandi came to help us celebrate.

Of course, we let balloons go again.

Clara and Jonathan each got a dozen...

Clara let hers go and Jonathan just watched them. He didn't cry this time. He was mesmerized by the way they flew away.

When he had enough of watching Clara's float away, he let his go too.

Shortly after, everyone started heading home. It was late and time to get all the kids to bed. My kids both needed baths too. I felt bad because we never got around to opening gifts today.

So after putting my house back together and bathing the kids, I asked Clara to go get one of the gifts she had wrapped.

Jonathan was excited to have it, but wasn't sure what to do with it, so I asked Clara to help him.

As Clara peeled the paper off Jonathan watched and said, "Ooooo, bops" which is how he says 'box' -- apparently that's all he needed to see.

Holy PJs, Batman! The perfect gift just before bed time. They are the cutest PJs! There's even a little cape that velcros to the shoulders. He loves them! He ran around the house saying, "Fast!" Clara said, "Are they Batman or Fatman pajamas?"

I asked Clara to take a pic of me with my birthday boy. She took a few, all blurry, but this is the best.

Not to be left out, she then turned the camera around to take a pic of herself.

Tomorrow we get to open all the rest of the presents!

I can't believe it's been 2 years since I brought that little guy home from the hospital. He's an amazing, affectionate, warm-hearted little boy. He has taught me so much in these past 2 years and I can't wait to see what else he has in store for me!

Happy Bithday, Jonathan!


  1. I can't believe he's 2 already! It seems like you were just pulling into the court with a 6 week old baby! Sounds like you had QUITE the party - you were the hostess with the mostess! wish we could have been there - the boys would have LOVED the cake! :)

  2. Why don't they make PJs like that for us grown-up kids???;)
