Friday, August 1, 2008


After a good night's sleep we were ready to finally open birthday presents this morning, but I did restrain myself from letting the kids eat the last 2 pieces of cake for breakfast. Jonathan did pretty well opening his gifts this year. Clara started them for him so he'd know where to start tearing from, and he'd take it from there. Of course if he did need any additional help, Clara was ready and willing! She had fun helping him decide which gift to open next.

This was the first one he opened this morning

With the first gift he was still way more impressed with the wrapping than what was inside. He really liked the tissue paper in the boxes. He would shake it to make noise. Maybe Santa Claus will just bring him a box of tissue paper :)

Finally fishing out that first gift...

It's Spiderman!!!!!

It's a bit big for him, but he loves it. I never got him to stand long enough with the full costume on (mask and all). He thinks he's the coolest thing around now though.

Spiderman enlisted the help of his sister for this gift. It was from his friends Haley and Alyssa. It's a cute tubtime toy. Absolutely perfect, since we're always outside in the pool!

This present was 'from Clara', but was Daddy's suggestion when I said, "What do I get a 2 year old boy for his birthday?" A remote control car...what else? Chris said I could get Jonathan a remote control car for every birthday/Christmas from here on out and I'd be safe -- even when he's 50+!

More cars! He's just started getting into Hotwheels/Matchbox cars -- He loves pushing them around.

With his new found love for Hotwheels/Matchbox cars we'll be needing some place to store them all.

Isn't this the coolest? It just hangs on the back of the door and there's a little pocket for each car. He can even reach them!!!

Clara modeled Jonathan's other new costume -- Construction man. It came with a toolbelt and a few tools...

...even a battery operated drill!

We had a lot of fun opening presents today. Jonathan was Spiderman all morning. He didn't mind when I took his Spiderman costume off later (I think he was getting tired of losing his hands and feet in it since it's too big), but he was upset when I tried to take the Batman PJs off which he was still wearing underneath.

I did give him his piece of cake after dinner, and got the close up of him eating it (even if it is with his 'cool dudes' on)!

1 comment:

  1. You can never go wrong with costumes - believe me!!! He looks like such a big boy in it with his new haircut and all. And that hot wheels storage thing is the COOLEST - I could definitely use one around here!
