Sunday, August 3, 2008


It was a quiet weekend around here...and a long day today. Clara starts zoo camp again tomorrow, so to help us adjust from our lazy mornings of this past week to our early mornings of the coming week, I kept both kids up from naps today. They went off to bed early tonight, but here it is almost midnight and I'm not tired. At least the two of them will be ready to go in the morning :)

We didn't do much this weekend, but I captured some cute stuff with the camera and thought I'd share.

In the mornings we make Clara wear a head band to keep her hair out of her cereal/milk. Jonathan runs to get one every morning too. Typically he just pulls it down around his neck and wears it like a necklace, but Saturday morning he used it to keep his hair out of his face too. The sunglasses were his idea as well -- guess he had a rough night :)

Here are the 2 headbanded creatures enjoying their cereal.

Clara also chose to accessorize this particular morning with a pair of my shoes.

Shortly after breakfast Spidergirl made an appearance.

Aunt Sandi got Jonathan this cool cup for his birthday -- a big boy cup, with his name right on it!

He loves it...he also loves to blow bubbles in his milk, or let it dribble down his chin (we're still working on how to use a big boy cup!)

Clara has a Veggie Tales cup that's very similar. She wanted to use hers so they could match.


The upcoming week will be a busy one. Aside from zoo camp Jonathan has his 2yr well child visit to the doctor scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. We'll be working on minimal nap time between the time we get home from zoo camp in the morning and the time of his appt. I couldn't get in any later, but we will be stopping for Jonathan's free birthday ice cream from Coldstone after the doctor - so how bad can it be right?! (Thanks Katy!) Then on Friday I will be trying to sign Clara up for preschool at the Child Development Center here on base. I say 'trying' because it will not be a fun morning. They have just 48 spots and are holding open registration from 8am-12pm on Friday morning. I've heard that if you really want a spot you need to be there about 6am and just wait in line. It wouldn't be so bad if Chris were home or even if I didn't need to get Clara to zoo camp that morning as well. So 6am Friday morning the kids and I will be finding a spot in the lobby of the CDC to relax for a good 2 hours. (You know how much kids like to just sit around and wait, esp. first thing in the morning!) Then we hope to get registered quickly so we can hop in the car and make the 45 min drive to Fresno for zoo camp at 9am -- hopefully we won't be too late. Say a prayer it all goes well. I've been dreading Friday for weeks now and will be happy to see this next weekend!


  1. Okay, first of all - the headband thing is hilarious!!!! That is so cute. Jonathan is just a riot. As for the 6 am waiting in line bit - UGH! Maybe you can get some donuts to keep them occupied while you wait. That's crazy! Anxious to hear how it goes!
