Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"It's the coolest thing that I ever,never did before!"

That's right 'the coolest thing she ever, never did before!' Zoo camp has started again. This week I sent Clara to zoo camp with a disposable camera and all week they are showing her how to get the perfect picture of all of her zoo animal friends. Yesterday she took pics of the Zebra and Giraffe. Did you know they're 'maminals' (mammals)? Oh, and she said she took a pic of her teacher too. Today Jonathan and I got there to pick her up a little early, they hadn't quite made it back from seeing the snakes and elephants yet, so I snapped this pic as she walked back. She was holding the hands of a teacher and another child until she saw me and broke loose! The cool orange shirt is the one they gave her for this week's zoo camp. It's really neat. They gave her one with stingrays on it the last time around. She now has a zoo shirt for everyday of the week!

After zoo camp we tried to get home really quick to take a decent nap, but the stars were not lined up in my favor. Traffic was not cooperative and the place I stopped to get lunch took 20 minutes just to get our food. The kids only got a about an hour nap before it was time to get them up to head to Jonathan's 2yr doctor's appointment.

It took Clara standing on the scale and me standing on the scale to convince Jonathan that it wasn't a bad thing. He still wasn't sure until I showed him he could stand on it backwards. He stood there only because I was right in front of him blocking his exit. After the nurse took the rest of his measurements and vitals, and tried to usher us to our examination room, Jonathan ran back to the scale, climbed up and proudly clapped at his achievement. He's 31.5lbs -- not a far cry from Clara's 35.2lbs.

Once in the exam room the kids waited patiently to see the doctor.

I swear I didn't pose them here at all -- they are too cute!

I don't remember what Clara thought was so funny here, but Jonathan was trying to be like his big sister once again. I didn't get any pics of his examination or the other vitals that the nurse took, because as usual anytime a stranger came near the poor child, he would cling to me and fuss. It is marginally better now though -- baby steps. The important thing is he's happy and healthy -- I don't remember how tall they said he was, but the doctor did say 'taller than average'. He did great -- 3 shots. He tore the band-aids off immediately after the nurse put them on saving me the trouble of having to rip them off later tonight for his bath!

After the doctor's appointment we headed to Panera for dinner...

Clara had the cheddar broccoli soup, aka 'Daddy's soup'

And after a good dinner we headed across the street to Coldstone to cash in Jonathan's birthday club coupon for his free ice cream. He had mint chocolate chip. Clara opted for strawberry ice cream with sprinkles. Their mint ice cream is REALLY good. I had never tried it there before today.

All in all, a good day. We're all exhausted. The kids headed off to bed a little early and I think I'll be doing the same.


  1. That is QUITE the day! Glad Jonathan's check up went well - 31 lbs! Amazing! Have they said anything more about his head shape? I remember before you left they had wanted to do the MRI and all...I'm assuming that since I never heard anymore, they've let it be! :) OH - and the Coldstone mint ice cream IS the yummiest for sure! :)

  2. Dying to hear about how the 6:30 AM line at preschool went...
