Friday, August 8, 2008


For all those wondering, I was successful at getting Clara signed up for preschool! I'll have to say I'm a little worried if it's the right fit, but it will be easier to drop out in a few months if it isn't than it would be to try and find someplace new so late in the game. Orientation is on the 28th, so hopefully I'll feel 100% confident in this decision after that. I may do some comparison shopping next week though :)
It is about 2:30pm and we just got home from our long morning that started at 6am. Both kids are napping and I'm on my way to join them, but check back later. I have some cute stuff to share concerning Clara's zoo camp. Today was her very last day for this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!!! What will her schedule be? is it every day? just a half day??? Lots of changes happening this fall!!
