Friday, August 8, 2008

Clara's Photography Studio

Today was Clara's last day of zoo camp for the summer. This week's zoo camp taught them how to take pictures of the zoo animals, and their art project each day was making frames so that they could put together this book as a keepsake. I apologize that some are a little crooked, that speaks to my scanning skills, not Clara's artistic skills :)

I had to laugh at the elephant pic because that day Clara came home and told me she took a pic of the elephant's bottom. I asked her why, she said, "He wouldn't turn around 'cause he didn't want his picture taken." Looks like she was right!

(That black thing in the water is a sea lion)

Sometimes I wonder if I ever give my kids enough credit for what they can do. They always amaze me when I leave them with someone else who really helps them show me what they're capable of. I never would've thought Clara could take such good pics. I am so proud of her!

Watch out National she comes!


  1. Good job Clara!!!!! It looks like you learned a lot about the animals at Zoo Camp. Your pictures are beautiful. I especially liked the Falmingos. You Dad called me the other day and said you knew what color baby flamingos were. You need to tell that to Grandma and Grandpa when you come to visit because we don't know the answer. You are so smart!!

  2. that really is amazing! What a fabulous camp - really!!! How GREAT!
