Monday, September 15, 2008

Another Day at the Zoo

As much as it seems that title can be referring to any day around the house with these two little ones, the truth is we did actually spend the day at the zoo again yesterday. There was a base-wide power outage scheduled yesterday from 7am-2pm so everyone was finding things to do out in town, we opted for the zoo. Though the power was actually only out from 7-9am and we didn't even make it out of bed until 9am. Still, I figured Clara would enjoy going to say goodbye to the stingrays since they'll be closing that exhibit for the winter at the end of this month.

Here's the kids as we started our trek into the zoo with hats and matching shirts. Clara was excited to have her camera along for the trip!

Most of the animals were sleeping during our visit -- in some far off hidden corner of their cage, but we caught the prairie dogs eating lunch....

...and the camel taking a bath. Clara found it interesting to note, "He sure does splash a lot in HIS bath."

The anteater has a baby again, and was carrying it around on her back.

Here's the kids checking out the anteater.

This orangutan was kind enough to teach the kids the art of nose picking, complete with eating the tasty snack!

I even let the kids feed the giraffes. I had to hold Jonathan up, so I didn't get a picture of him feeding the giraffe, but here's Clara feeding Holly.

At some point in the afternoon, the kids decided to trade hats. Oh, and you can see I also finally found some cowboy boots for Jonathan - just $20! They've only been somewhat successful in stopping the fights over getting shoes on and his love for his sister's shoes. Most days they work, but there's still days (like this morning) when only Clara's shoes will do.

My two gorillas!

Jonathan was making his 'mean gorilla face'

We did stop by to see the stingrays, but I didn't take any pics there. Clara was so happy to get the chance to say goodbye to them for the winter. Jonathan started getting REALLY cranky soon after that, so we skipped the petting zoo and headed home. Jonathan fell asleep after 5min in the car -- even Clara was asleep before we got home. All in all not a bad day!


  1. That zoo has been a fabulous find for your family! I hope you've bought an annual pass for it! I LOVE Clara's hat - it's adorable! Looks like Jonathan's perked up too - good news!

  2. Tell Jonathan I just love his boots! Grandma Gina has brown boots just like his so we can wear look-alike shoes. Clara has become quite the photographer. "Easy stocking stuffer for Christmas!"
