Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Clara's Prayer

So Clara said she was ready...ready to take the training wheels off her bike. We took them off Monday evening and in their place we put a handle that allows me to hold on to her without bending over until she figures out what balance is all about. It's been amazing watching her determination and confidence grow through this process, so I want to ask that everyone says a prayer for her so that she keeps it up.
In the past, Clara has met most challenges with frustration which leads her to give up early. It is precisely for that reason that she's just now really showing an interest in her bike even though we've had it since March. She gave up before when it got hard to pedal and the fear of falling was too great. I didn't push it, figuring she'd try again when she was ready. Boy, did she ever!
She's doing great! She's listening to my critiques, being patient, and practicing hard. I really think this is more than just a lesson on bike riding for her. It's also a lesson in how to face challenges with confidence and perseverance, and so far she's excelling! Our only obstacle has been figuring out how I can help her and tend to Jonathan as well, but we're making it work.
She's determined to figure it out so she can show Chris' parents when they come visit in a month, show Chris when he gets home, and show her friends that she's not a 'little kid' (the bike riding can be a bit of a dividing factor around here lately). What she doesn't realize is that more than anything, she needs to show herself what she can accomplish with a little patience, confidence, and hard work. So say a prayer, not that this comes easy for her, but that when she does catch on, she'll take more with her than just a lesson in bike riding.
Go Clara!!!!!


  1. It took me until I was twelve to ride a bike. My LITTLE sister was actually riding a bike before I was. Sad to say, but true. GO CLARA!

  2. When we come for our visit and Clara shows us how well she rides her bike I'll tell her the story of my first bike and how I learned to ride it by myself. I remember that day with my Mom and Dad just like it was yesterday. Now I'm really going to buy that video camera before we come in October so we can have lasting memories of her accomplishment. Clara, you go girl!! We love you.
