Monday, September 29, 2008

The Best Big Sister EVER!!!!

Last night I got the kids out of the bath and went in search of PJs for Jonathan, only to find that his only clean ones were in that load I've been tossing around in the dryer for the past 2 days anytime I needed something out of there -- you know, to get the wrinkles out. As Jonathan ran around the house in only his towel, I decided that time was as good as any to fold/hang all those clothes (mostly because it wasn't until I was about 75% done before I found the top to his PJs).

As I was getting the laundry in order, I heard Clara telling Jonathan to lay down for his diaper. Not wanting to miss this, I threw down the laundry, grabbed up the camera, and went running into the living room to capture just one more reason Clara is the Best Big Sister (and Little Helper) Ever!!!!!

Jonathan was equally as excited and actually listened to her diaper changing instructions better than he does for me.

You can see, even Clemson had to see how this was going to play out!

Ta Da!!!!! One diapered Jonathan!

It was a little loose -- but not a bad job at all! (BTW, I think Jonathan may have a future as an underwear model!)

I was telling Clara today that it won't be much longer until her Grandma Ginia and Grandpa Vic come to visit us, and when they do, they will watch Clara and Jonathan 2 separate times so that I can get a haircut and get my teeth cleaned (I know, I'm going WILD since I'll have a babysitter!!!) I told Clara she couldn't come with me on those excursions because Grandma and Grandpa might need her help with Jonathan. She told me that she would tell Grandma and Grandpa that she changed Jonathan's diaper..."All by myself". I said, "Oh good, then if Jonathan goes poo poo while I'm gone, Grandma and Grandpa will probably just have you take care of it." To which she replied, "...Except you did have to help me a little. Remember that? So they should probably still do it" -- Did I mention she's a smart kid?

Hope you're ready Momok and Popok!


  1. Wow, Clara never ceases to amaze me. She is so smart. I'll put on a clean diaper after a bath, but leave the poop to the adults.

  2. I can't believe that!! Amazing - she's a good one to keep around then! :) The funnier part is how goofy silly Jonathan looked as she was doing it! Hilarious!

  3. We are ready to accept the challenge! Actually we are very excited about coming to Fresno to visit and to have some good quality time with our beautiful grandchildren and our charming daughter-in-law. I can't believe how smart and grown up Clara is. I'll definitely need to be on my toes when we are there in order to keep at least a half step in front of her.
