Thursday, September 25, 2008

Daddy's Little Girl

OK -- I had to do this. I was looking at Clara in the pics from last night and I can't get past how much she favors her Daddy. Many years ago Chris' Aunt Mary put together a book for him that chronicles his childhood as well as his father's and grandfather's lives. I found this picture of Chris in there and scanned it in.

The pictures speak for themselves. Clara, age 4 1/2 and Chris, about 6 years old. This picture of him is his 1st grade class picture. I can't imagine how odd it must be for Chris' family sometimes - to look at Clara and see/remember Chris at that age.

For all those who still insist Clara favors me...look again!


  1. Pretty cute. I always knew she was good looking.

  2. What an excellent gene pool!! Good looking and intelligent. I can't believe the resemblence.

  3. I thought she looked a lot like Chris when I first saw her, but I think she has a lot of your features a little blended into Chris's. Maybe that's why people say she looks like you, too. Jonathan definitely favors you more, though. Definitely in the coloring! They are both so CUTE!

  4. Chris' comment is hilarious!!! Yeah, she DEFINITELY looks like him!!!! I love seeing pictures side by side like that! :)
