Thursday, September 25, 2008

Playhouse Disney Live

Last night the kids and I had tickets to Playhouse Disney Live. I told Clara she could be my date, and boy, was she excited. She's been pretty enthralled in 'date nights' lately (you would think Chris and I did them often). She was pretending just last week that she and Jonathan were going on a date, and she had to get dressed up fancy first. So when I told her last night that she and Jonathan and I were going on a date, her eyes lit up so brightly with excitement.

Jonathan, on the other hand, woke up from his nap EXTRA grumpy, refused dinner, and then cried the full 35 min trip to the show, by which time I was grumpy as well.

He was captivated by the show and soon my 'grumpies' wore off as well. Clara and I decided that must be why he gave me his that I could get rid of them for him and we could all have a good time!

Here's a pic Clara took of us two grumpy people!

Here's Mickey and the gang. We were sitting far enough away that my flash didn't do much to light up the darkness, so I didn't get many decent pics at all. Instead, I spent a lot of time trying to capture the expressions on the kids' faces as they watched the show.

Here's a pic I tried to get of all 3 of us. My hand was in front of the flash, so the lighting is off, but it's still cute!

After intermission, Jonathan decided he didn't want to wear his Mickey ears any more and he wanted to sit in his own seat instead of my lap. Look how handsome and grown up he looks!

Clara was just as taken with the show.

The finale with the Little Einsteins, Mickey and Friends, Tigger and Pooh, and Handy Manny.

I was actually a little disappointed with the show. It wasn't near as good as I thought it would be. Not as good as the Sesame Street Live shows or even the Disney on Ice. The kids enjoyed it and that's all that's important, but even towards the end of this one Clara was over it -- and the souvenirs were OUTRAGEOUSLY priced.

Clara and Jonathan watching the finale.

I love these guys!

When the show was over, I asked Clara what was her favorite part, to which she replied, "All of it."

My favorite part was sometime in the first half of the show when Jonathan looked down and noticed Clara's hand on the armrest. He wanted to hold onto the armrest just like his big sister, so he stuck his hand up there next to hers. When his hand touched hers, she put her hand over his and they held hands for most of the rest of the first half...I almost cried!

Clara told me on the way home I was 'the Bestest Mom ever'. When I asked her why she said that (expecting some direct link to my taking her to the show). She said, "Because you're always nice." I know it was still our attendance at the show that prompted her comment, but it was awesome to hear the appreciation nonetheless. I decided Chris and I should make 1 on 1 parent/child date nights a priority when he gets home. I know Clara felt extra special last night and she was so appreciative of this special time. It definitely made the lackluster show worth while for me!


  1. You're the bestest Mom ever any time you spend time with your children. What a special night for all of you!! Thanks for the pictures.

  2. LOL! In the pic where Jonathan "looks so grown up", it looks like he has a little admirer. I think he's playing it cool, to get her interested!

  3. What fun!!! Have you ever been on the playhouse disney website? It's very fun - clara would enjoy it. 1 on 1 dates are fabulous with the kids - it's so nice to get them undivided like that! Glad you all had fun!
