Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy, Happy Birthday Baby!!!!

Today is Chris' birthday and in the same spirit as my birthday, he turns 'a different kind of 4' than Clara's 4 years of age. Unfortunately he's not home to celebrate his birthday with us, but not to worry...the kids and I never let a little detail like that get in the way of us and cake :)

A couple months ago the kids and I staged a party for Chris so I could get pictures for a calendar square. For those of you who don't know what that is, there is a calendar up in the ready room on the ship. Each month, each member in Chris' squadron is given one 'square' or day to have decorated for them. The wives and families of the sailors decorate a square measuring about 5X7 with pictures in scrapbook fashion and we send them in to the ship together. Each month a new calendar is constructed with new squares, so that the guys (and gals) can see the smiling faces of their loved ones each day before their flights. So for October's calendar square, the kids and I celebrated Chris' birthday...and all our neighbors helped us eat his cake!

It is important to have all the proper accessories for baking a cake: apron, shoes, bracelet.

Clara cracked the eggs...

...and Jonathan poured them in!

Quality Assurance Inspector

Yum! (Notice the pinky!)

We were in full party spirit! was that good!

Clara was the one who said we should make a chocolate cake, "since Daddy likes chocolate".


Who spiked the punch?!

The kids even got to open Chris' presents for him!

I love the faces he makes when opening presents.

Surely Daddy likes Batman :)

Clara thought it was pretty funny when I told her Daddy would want his Ariel back when he got home.

Happy Birthday Chris! I wish we were together to celebrate your special day as a family, but know our thoughts are with you and we are anxiously awaiting your return.
We Love You!


  1. I don't think my emails to Chris go through all the time. I know he will read this blog so we'll take the opportunity to say Happy Birthday from Mom and Dad as well!! It looks like Torie and the children put a lot of thought and effort into making your day special.

  2. i love the calendar square thing - how great is that! And I'm sure that chris loved seeing the presents that are awaiting hmi at home!
