Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chinese Food

Chris brought home a few trinkets for the kids from his travels. He gave each of the kids an authentic silk Japanese outfit, Clara got this robe and Jonathan got a little pant and shirt set. He also brought home chopsticks for the whole family. Needless to say, going for Chinese food was a priority this weekend!

Here's Clara dressed up to go for Chinese food. Jonathan didn't want to wear his outfit out. Clara decided that since she was dressed so fancy, the rest of us needed some accessorizing as well, so she gave us each a beaded necklace to wear.

Jonathan decided one necklace was not enough, so he wore about 5.

Time to use the chopsticks. Jonathan wasn't so keen on Chinese food, so this is actually about all he used his for.

We spent a lot of time practicing while waiting for the food to come.

All you need is 2 hands and a little concentration.

Yay! She did it!!!!!

Show off!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was blog hopping and found your blog. I wanted to comment that I'm so glad your husband is home. Mine leaves in 3 months for a 15 month deployment and I'm not looking forward to it of course. Its so good to see and be assured that they do come home eventually. Love the pictures, everyone looks to be enjoying themselves very much!
