Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Little Gym

The Little Gym just opened a new gym in the town near us. They held an open house on Saturday from 2-5pm and so we took the kids to check it out. They promised 'Fun, crafts and more", and boy did they ever deliver. Both kids had a great time as did Chris and I. The day left us trying to figure out if we can afford to sign the kids up for some classes there.

Initially, Jonathan's favorite part was the arts and crafts. He was able to decorate his own Christmas tree with stickers and such...I'm sure the cookie and lemonade helped, too!

Looks like both kids are going to be lefty's like their Mommy!

There was sooo much to do in the gym and they'd bring the kids together on the mat for a group activity from time to time as well. Clara had a ball jumping on this inflatable.

She was so proud of walking on the high balance beam on her own.

She was amazing -- as well as amazed by how much she could do on her own. I love watching her confidence grow with even the smallest of activities.

She figured out how to put her feet up on the bar and hang like this. She was thrilled later when one of the employees told her it had a name, "Basket Hang." She proudly told me, "She said it's called a basket-case!"

Even Jonathan finally worked up the nerve to come into the gym and attempt the high balance beam.

By the end of the day he was walking it on his own!

He loved climbing and jumping on all the mats.

Taking time to rest with Daddy.

Just hanging around!

We had a ball there and hope to find a way to fit it into the New Year! It was a great place to watch the kids expend some energy and gain some confidence, all while making friends and having fun!


  1. Very talanted and brave children. Grandpa Michael and I are so brouf of you. Maybe one day we can see you in person do all these things. I sure hope so. I miss you both soooo much.

  2. Now this looks like a lot of fun! My kids would have really enjoyed this with all the energy they have! Looks like your kids had a blast as well!

  3. those places are SO fun!!!! lots of activities perfect for little people with lots of energy!
