Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Pics

Those of you with small children know it can be a chore to get a good family picture. I decided that since I just got that new hi-tech camera from Chris, we'd try and put it to good use and take our own Christmas card picture this year. The base decorated a plane, 'the Christmas Jet', with lights, so we dragged the family over, along with the new camera and tripod to try and get a good picture. The kids actually cooperated really well, though none turned out well enough to use for a Christmas card. Still, we had a lot of fun taking them and I thought I could at least share them here.

Is it bad that my kids have started to pose at the mere sight of a camera?

The pictures all turned out a little too dark (have I mentioned I don't really know how to use this new camera?!) You may have to click/enlarge the pics to really see us.

Silly Faces

Kissing Siblings

After getting home and realizing we still didn't really have a good pic, I tried to get the family to sit together once more in front of the tree. As you can see, Jonathan was over modelling at this point!

Merry Christmas!


  1. Jonathan please let your picture be taken so Grandma Yonka and Grandpa Michael can actually see what you look like when you are smiling and being happy. I promise it only takes a minute and it doesn't hurt a bit. Trust me--I,m a nurse :)

  2. Oh that plane all lit up is really kewl! Great pictures too by the way! It's always hard to get the little ones to smile! lol

  3. My youngest yells "Cheese" and immediately runs toward the camera smiling. Most of the photos we have of him are extreme close ups.

    Then the older one must of course have his picture taken as well.

  4. how cool is a christmas jet? that's so fun!!!! can't wait to see the REAL christmas card picture!
