Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yesterday I took the kids to see Santa and for the second year in a row I was only successful in getting Clara to sit on Santa's lap. As soon as we walked past the velvet ropes to get a good view of Santa, Jonathan dropped down to his knees crying. Never mind that for the last few weeks anytime we went to the mall, he has joined his sister waving at Santa and yelling, "Hi Santa!" from across the mall. Nope, he was not having any part of this. He cried until Clara was done talking to Santa and came to give Jonathan his very own coloring book, which Santa was kind enough to give to Clara.

I called my mom last night and we were talking about differences between Clara and Jonathan...there are many. I was recalling that Clara also went through a phase at around 18-36 months when she wanted nothing to do with the likes of Santa and the Easter Bunny. However, she is always wanting to please Chris and I and would compromise by standing just in front of Santa, often holding some prop gift box or toy lying around in the set long enough to get a picture. Jonathan has no interest in trying to appease me, if he doesn't want to do something, there's absolutely no making him, no compromising with that kid!

I also spoke with my mom about how fun it is to watch the magic of Christmas alive in both kids, but particularly Clara. Both kids are intrigued by the lights, esp bubble lights, and the trees and stockings (or 'Christmas boots' as Jonathan calls them), but Clara is really excited about Santa. I worry that it won't be much longer that she'll believe. As we walked away from having her picture taken with Santa, she said, "Santa's not wearing his regular clothes, and he doesn't look as tall today". We've been to another mall recently and the Santa there is in fact a thinner, taller man. I tried to explain it all away, that Santa must not have gotten all his laundry done in time for work and that he only seemed shorter because he was sitting down. I wasn't sure she was buying it, and I feared that the magic of Christmas might be nearing it's end with her...until today.

I picked Clara up from preschool and was asking all the typical questions about her day when she informed me that they made lists for Santa, so he'd know what they'd like for Christmas. She went on to tell me she asked for some 'other' stuff. So far all she's asked for is a pink castle and some bubbles. Curious, I asked,"what else did you ask for?" To which her response was, "Let's just wait till it comes and then you'll see." Looks like I'll be having a conversation with her teacher on Friday to find out what Santa is bringing!


  1. That's my kind of girl....keepin' mom on her toes;)

  2. Oh my. Yet another motherhood challenge. I'll be sure to hide the gifts before they come to visit. By the way, tell Jonathan that Grandma has the Christmas Boots hanging up already.

  3. Nothing dumb about my granddaughter. She's gonna make you work to get what she wants for Christmas. You have to watch those quiet ones--they can be the most challenging--I know from experience--I had one :)

  4. Both of ours scream and cry when we try to get them near Santa. We got our Christmas miracle when the photographer got a decent shot of the two of them standing a few feet in front of Santa.

  5. what's with santa wearing a blue shirt?????? no wonder she's confused!
