Monday, December 15, 2008

Deck the Halls

We've been busy lately. Last weekend we were able to get the tree up and decorated. We hadn't really planned on putting a tree up this year since we're heading to Phoenix at the end of this week to spend Christmas with Chris' parents. However Clara requested a tree, and not just the little fake 3' tree I have put up in past years as a concession when we don't plan to be home for Christmas. So we went and picked out a Christmas tree.

I did decide, however, that it would be more fun to make ornaments this year, which would save me from unpacking and repacking all of our other ornaments. I had grand thoughts of stringing popcorn and cranberries, but the more I thought about it, I feared that our dog would have too much fun eating the Christmas tree, so we stuck to paper this far, nothing has been eaten :)

I think it turned out quite nice for a 'homemade' tree!

Merry Christmas!


  1. i love your tree and love that the non-practical one won!!! :)

  2. After seeing your tree and talking to you I decided to try paper snowflakes. One think you can use that actually make some neat snowflakes are round coffee filters. When you fold them they aren't as thinck as regular paper and they make some neat designs. I found a website that tells you how to fold the filter, then you just cut however you like. I guess you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!!!
