Friday, November 7, 2008

Preschool Pics

We just got Clara's school pictures from preschool. For some reason, the photographer decided to do a holiday background, though this information was not passed along to the parents so that we could dress our kids accordingly. Protocol was to pay before the pics were even taken, which was odd for me. Many parents opted not to pay when they learned what the background looked like on the day of. Still, I couldn't pass up Clara's 1st school here they are.

It was warm that day so Clara's not even dressed in winter clothes...doesn't really fit with the snowy Christmas scene, but she still looks pretty cute!

Here's the class pic taken on their playground. The teachers (L-R) are Mrs. Lorraine, Mrs. Tiffany, and Mrs. Christy. I'll have to get Clara to tell me all the kids' names sometime.
Hard to believe Clara's old enough to be getting school pics done already!

1 comment:

  1. oh she looks cute!!! hilarious about the christmas background!! first school pictures are definitely BIG!!
