Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

Last night was a night full of tricks and treats. The kids dressed up as Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. Unfortunately, we were running a little behind trying to get ready to meet all the neighbors to get the festivities started, so I never got a good picture of just the kids in their costumes. I thought I was going to have problems with Jonathan. As I tried to get him into his costume, he started pulling on it and crying, so I figured it was best to leave off the hat and boot covers :)
All the parents on the street decided we'd relive our childhoods and dress up in our best 80's outfits. While most of the other women went with the 'Madonna/ Cyndi Lauper' take on the 80's, I chose to go in a different direction.

Here's me with the kids...Jonathan refused to stand with just Clara. I had planned to try again after Trick or Treating, but that never happened.

Peter Pan himself...if only he really wouldn't ever grow up :)

After Trick or Treating, we all came back to a neighbors house for fun and drinks. After a few drinks we were all ready for some fun. One family had gone in for the night a little early because they had a big day planned for today...TPing their house was their punishment.

If you look closely on the ground, there's a guy laying on his side. He dressed up as Officer Dangle from RENO 911. If you've seen the show, let me tell you, David was an excellent 'Dangle'. No one could look at him without laughing all night. I wish I'd gotten a better picture of him.

'Officer Dangle' left his mark.

The line-up of prime suspects

Thankfully, the neighbors whose house was TP'd have a great sense of humor and only responded that they expected a better job next time!

I guess some day when Clara goes out TPing houses for Halloween, I'll only have myself to blame :)


  1. It looks like everyone had a fabulous time. I'm so happy that you have such wonderful neighbors.

  2. how fun is that?? I love your 80s look - it's all coming back around again!
