Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You get what you ask for

Clara has a way of asking the same question in many different ways, many times in a row, to get to the same answer each time. It can be rather frustrating. The day before we were to leave for Phoenix, Torie was trying to get all our stuff in order for our trip. Clara was doing the question thing and Torie fought back a little. She asked Clara, "Why do you always ask the same question over, and over, and over, and over, and over.......?" To which Clara innocently replied, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.........." I was rolling on the floor laughing, trying not to pee myself. If looks could kill, I would not be here to post this for Torie!


  1. Gee, it's so nice to see your children go through the same things with their children you did with them. Kind of like the time Victoria put all the wrong answers on the test and when the teacher asked her why she did it she said,"Well, I knew I knew the answers, and I knew you knew I knew the answers, so why did I have to prove it?" Like mother, like daughter. But what great memories they make. Merry Christmas. I miss all of you.

  2. You guys!!! Congratulations! I am so excited for you all! The kids are going to have so much fun with the new little one! I hope you start feeling better soon. I HATE morning sickness (all day sickness). I wish we could get together again... wouldn't it be fun to all get together and visit? We miss you guys!

    Well, Congrats! We'll be praying for you!

