Sunday, January 4, 2009

Third Time's a Charm?

We went to Phoenix for Christmas and had a great time -- We came home with almost 800 pics for me to sort through and share, but that will have to wait...
Just before we left for our vacation, we learned that I am pregnant with our third baby -- we were so excited!!!! I say 'were' because that excitement has given way to some serious morning sickness, even worse than I experienced with the first 2. It hit me on the 8 hour drive home. I took it then as simple exhaustion from not sleeping in my own bed for over a week. However, Thursday and Friday I found myself in the Urgent Care Clinic due to the morning sickness. Thursday, they prescribed a seemingly miracle drug 'Zofran' for my nausea and sent me on my way. The nurse cautioned me to take it easy with what I ate once the nausea subsided..."don't chow down on a Big Mac the first time" is what she told me. If took care of my nausea, but did nothing to increase my appetite. So Friday morning I awoke to find myself weak, dizzy, nauseous and light-headed. I got Chris to drive me back up to the hospital, and they gave me some IV fluids and some more Zofran, by IV this time. I felt much better when I left a couple hours later.
Since then, I've been on a diet of bananas and applesauce, trying to keep at least that much down and Chris has had to pass up a Navy school he was looking forward to going to in San Diego for the month of January. I feel bad he's had to give it up, but know I am lucky to have a husband so willing to stay home and take care of me and the kids, with no signs of resentment.
So it may take a while for me to get around to posting Christmas pics or anything else for that matter. If this pregnancy follows the first 2, I'll be feeling better somewhere around the 14th week -- unfortunately, this time, the morning sickness caught me off guard by starting about 3 weeks earlier than it has in the past and by our calculations I'm only about 5 weeks along.
Say a prayer that time flies!


  1. Just remember what you will have when the morning sicknes is over and you have a new baby---sleeplessness (:. You know how excited I am. Love you and feel better.

  2. Congrats! That Zofran saved me my first pregnancy!!!! I lost 10 pounds my first trimester because I was so sick before they gave it to me! I hope you feel better soon! :)

  3. Yeah!! You can do it! A friend suggested a tiny bit of graham cracker and sprite right as you get out of bed in the morning.....helped her. Time will fly:)

  4. Congrats and I'm sorry. Don't know what to tell you about the sickness. Elizabeth never got sick. She use to wake me up at 2:00 am eating crackers in bed, but I figured if that prevented me from having to hold her hair back while she was getting sick I'd was ok with that.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! Chris must've spent a total of an hour in the house before you got knocked up! RE: nausea... Have you tried protein? Like protein shakes or something? I was reading that protein was great for it, and that the liquids were best because they have a more immediate effect. Maybe smoothies with a protein powder?

  6. so excited for you guys - that's such great news! Hopefully the medicine will sort of even out in your system and you'll be up and around in no time!

  7. Hi Tori, I am Greg's wife. I don't know if he's mentioned anything about my pregnancy, but you may want to visit my blog and read the very first two posts I ever made on there. I'll pray you are feeling better soon and that Zofran can help you. I can give you a million other things to try that although were not successful for me, are very successful for many people. Hang in there and most of all congratulations.
