Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pics From a Moving Car

So I'm starting to feel like sharing all the little, but awesome achievements we've faced since we've been home, but I don't want to just skip over the millions of Christmas pics I have to share. I had hoped to wait until I felt better so I could speak of the pics in more detail, but alas, you'll have to settle for the pics and a brief synopsis. Life is not stopping for me and my morning sickness, and I have so much to share from just the last few weeks, so here goes...

As the title to this post suggests, I took a lot of pics from the car as we went through the Grapevine on the way down to Phoenix for Christmas. I'd never seen it with the snow and it was beautiful. I apologize for the blur, I did take the pics from a moving car!

This is Pyramid Lake again.

And perhaps the highlight of our trip down...Lunch at Five Guys. We became familiar with this place in VA, but when we moved away from VA we moved away from Five Guys. Last Spring, 2 opened in the L.A. area, so we made the detour -- so worth it! The best burgers I've ever had, and FRESH potato french fries all with the stellar customer service to match. Five Guys are all up and down the East Coast, if you haven't tried them, you really should...except you, Noelle, they keep peanuts in the restaurant for you to shell and eat while you wait for your burger...maybe take out for you! Check them out www.fiveguys.com

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are beautiful. We now have two Five Guys here and go their quite often. I absolutely LOVE the french fries. But now, My dear, it is 11:00 and I have commented on each post, but in 8 hours I have to go work another 12 hour shift with a hyper RN from BAltimore (she;d from Catonsville) and another one who doesn;t talk to me, so I'd best get some rest so I can deal with it all.
