Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Princess Clara!!!!!

Even though we're not really celebrating Clara's birthday until Sunday, we couldn't exactly let today go unnoticed. It was important to me that Clara still feel extra special today, since it is her day. So we did a little celebrating after all.

As I said before, Clara's been excited for weeks about her upcoming birthday. The other day she came up with this 'fabulous' idea. "Mom, you know that number puzzle I have with all the numbers? When it's my birthday I can take the number 5, since I'm gonna be 5, and you could take my picture with it in the morning in my pajamas, and then when I get dressed, you could take it again and then at night when I get my pajamas on you can take it again. So it will be pajamas, clothes, then other pajamas. That would be pretty cool, huh?" How could I argue with that...so here's Clara with the #5 in her morning PJs.

Clara requested pancakes and scrambled eggs for her birthday breakfast, which was a big hit all around. She told me, "Mommy you make the best pancakes ever. They're yummy!" All I did was mix up one of those little bottles of the Bisquick Shake and Pour batters. Thank goodness it doesn't take much to impress a 5 year old :)

(By the way, if you enlarge the pic, you'll see Jonathan wearing one of Clara's headbands once again!)

And here's the #5 picture with Clara dressed for the day. I found a cute Princess button/ribbon that said 'Birthday Princess' for Clara to wear, so everyone would know it was her birthday today. She really loves that kind of attention!

I gave her just a few presents today. I have a couple coming for her in the mail. Hopefully they'll be here before Sunday, but she actually seemed pretty satisfied with just today's festivities, so I think it will be OK if they're a little late.

Earrings! Clara's been noticing 'dangly earrings' lately, so I tried hard to find some nice hoops appropriate for a 5 year old. She loves them. I put them in her ears and by lunch, one was missing! Luckily we found it in her car seat. When we got home I pinched the prongs a little tighter with some pliers. Hopefully they won't be so easy to lose now.

Opening cards from Grandma Yonka and Grandpa Michael. (She has her new earrings in already!)

Daddy sent flowers again! The florist called before they delivered to be sure someone was home, so I was ready with my camera when they came! Chris sent Clara flowers last year as well, and I think it's the thing she remembers most about turning 4. It was really special to her last year and again this year, especially since Chris couldn't be here himself. She told me, "It was nice of Daddy to pick all those flowers for me and send them to that lady so she could bring them to me for my birthday!"

We found the perfect spot for them in her room.

Then Clara and Jonathan promptly went to get the step stool so they could smell the flowers. Later when she got to talk to Chris on the phone she told him, "Daddy, you're the bestest, specialest, coolest, Daddy in the whole world!" How special is she?! How could we not want to make her feel so special when she appreciates it sooo much!

After the flowers arrived we took off to Color Me Mine to paint some pottery. Jonathan chose a race car.

Clara chose a jewelry box shaped like a princess crown and painted it purple of course!

The finished products...for now anyway!

We'll be making a cake for Sunday's celebrations, so we settled for brownies today.

Daddy was on the phone to help us sing Happy Birthday and Clara blew out her candle.

More presents...Pinocchio...

...and a princess nightgown!

#5 pic in evening jammies

Clara loves to hold her skirt out and dance around in circles...

...just like a princess!

Perhaps I should get Jonathan a nightgown too. It gets difficult holding out his shirt like that as he dances around in circles!

I had to set up the tripod to get a pic of me with the birthday girl. Jonathan got right in place and posed without being asked, hugging Clara (It was too cute!) Clara's smiles only got more silly the harder I tried to get a good picture, so this was the best we got.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl! I love you more than you'll ever know!

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