Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Clara's Birthday Party

Chris came home finally on Saturday, and on Sunday we planned to celebrate Clara's birthday with her friends. We invited the the families on our street over for fajitas and cake. We had a great time. I didn't take too many pics since for the most part we were just relaxing and hanging out. Still, here's the few pics that I did take.

Clara decided she wanted a 'princess castle cake'. I asked her bunch of times if she wanted me to make it or if we should buy one. She insisted that we should make it so that she could help decorate it. So, I scoured the Internet in search of an example of a castle cake that even I could manage. You may need to use your imagination...

Lucky for me, a 5 year old has a much more vivid imagination than I do and she was proud to claim this cake as hers. I enlisted her help in putting the SweetTarts around the base. After awhile she looked at me and said, "Could you just let me know when it's time to put the princesses on?" Apparently that's all the decorating she was interested in.

Everyone singing 'Happy Birthday' to Clara

Making a wish and blowing out the candle!

Cutting the cake. The ice cream cone turrets were a huge hit with the kids. They were almost fighting over them since there wasn't quite enough to go around...and I thought, 'who's going to eat those anyway' when I was making the cake!

Clara got many wonderful and thoughtful gifts from her friends. One of her favorite gifts was this Belle dress. She insisted on putting it on right away, and wore the rest of the day! She had a great birthday!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I spelled a couple words wrong the first time. Did you by chance show Clara my blog for her birthday? I found the neatest picture of a princess cake and thought she would like it.

  3. I think your cake is AMAZING!! Beautiful job to the both of you!! I'm very impressed - and glad Clara was too!! We've baked cupcakes in the ice cream cones before, and they are always such a big hit with kids. Sounds like she had a GREAT celebration!
