Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Washing Machine

My washer decided to stop working again. It stopped working back in November, just one week before Chris came home. When I was trying to get not only the clothes clean, but also all the sheets and throw rugs in the house, so that Chris could come home to a clean house. Instead he came home and got to play Mr. Fix-it right away. In true fashion, the washer decided to stop working again just one week before Chris came home from Virginia. Then it worked for a few loads, only to die again a few days later with the tub full of water. Each time something different appeared to be wrong with it, so we figured our 9 year old washer was ready to be replaced, especially with Chris due to head out to sea again in less than 2 months, and a new baby on the way.

We decided to join the world of front loading washers and researched for a nice one...the matching dryer will have to wait. It is amazing the things that can get you really excited as you get older and step into motherhood. Your perspective changes so much when it comes to those little things, a good parking space is not necessarily the one closest to the door, but the one closest to the cart corral. Making it through the day without emotional meltdowns (on your part or the kids') can often be a feat in itself, and a brand new washer can make you excited about tackling that dirty clothes hamper that seems to grow the dirty clothes all on it's own!

Although, it seems I'm not the only one excited about this new washer. This is what I found today when I came in from checking the mail.

Ahh, the little things!


  1. which one did you decide was the best?

  2. The new washer is nice. We have a front loader too, and the one universal problem with them is after a while they smell musty. There are special products on the market now to actually clean the washer to take the musty smell away.

  3. I LOVE your new spring pictures - it's amazing how much the kids have grown!

    And congrats on the new addition to your family - a new washing machine is DEFINITELY celebration-worthy! We moms spend way too much time doing laundry not to have a good, reliable one!!!

  4. We got the Samsung WF448AAP -- it's wonderful! We got it got it brand new for about 40% off! WE considered the LG, Whirlpool Duet and Electrolux, but Samsung won in the end. If you're in the market, let me know, I can tell you how to work a great deal on any model at Lowes!

  5. Washing machine is essential thing for home!! You got really good new washer!!
