Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Slug Bug!

The kids and I went into town today to run some errands. While we were stopped at a red light, Jonathan suddenly yelled, "F*** up!" Shocked, I asked, "What?!" as I looked at him in the rear view mirror. Once again he yelled, "F*** up, red f*** up!" and pointed out the front windshield. I followed his point and saw what he was referring to - a slug bug, a red slug bug! I taught Clara how to play the game when she was younger (minus the hitting) and Jonathan caught on quickly as he got older, but this was the first time 'slug bug' came out sounding like that.

Of course, I had to get him to say it again on video when we got home so I could share it with you all!


  1. Ah yes...out of the mouths of babes. This is too cute.

  2. oh my word - that's hilarious!!! Josiah used to say fire truck that came out sort of sounding like that...but this one takes the cake for sure!!

  3. WOW!! You let him kiss you with that mouth? ha ha...I know the feeling. Braeden says "sit" that sometimes sounds like something else.
