Monday, April 13, 2009

Storytime With Pooh

With Clara on Spring Break last week, we took a break from the usual routine. Monday through Thursday she went to Spring Camp at the Little Gym from 9:15am - 12pm. She had a blast. I dropped her off every morning, and she was ready to go. Monday morning was a little rough when Jonathan realized he wasn't going to get to stay and have fun with her, thankfully he didn't seem to mind as much the other days. I didn't get any pics of her fun there, but I do have both of the kids signed up to take classes there over the summer. Both kids are REALLY excited about that!

Friday we went to one of our favorite places, Color Me Mine, for Story time with Pooh. It was a special one day camp and as a special treat Chris was off work, so he was able to come along! WE had a great time, I can't wait to pick up their finished projects!

First the kids gathered around to listen to a Winnie the Pooh story.

Then we got to paint! They had put a transfer on the plates that had a Pooh and Friends scene to use as a guideline. We started by painting the grass.

Here's Jonathan painting the grass, too.

Almost everything we painted on the plates was done with the kids fingerprints -- it was really a cute idea. Here's Clara putting the leaves on the tree.

I helped Jonathan put the leaves on his tree.

Here's Clara's plate when she was almost done. We added just a few more finishing touches. She insisted that I put her full name on the front of it, too. Like I said, I can't wait to pick these plates up, they turned out really well!

1 comment:

  1. wow - i've never seen a "template" idea like that - what fun!! i bet they are going to turn out incredible!
