Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Bunny

Easter kinda got away from me this year. I didn't realize it was this weekend until about Tuesday when I invited a neighbor to join us for Easter dinner since her husband is away right now. Upon that realization, it also dawned on me that we hadn't taken the kids to see the Easter Bunny yet either! So Friday after Color Me Mine we headed across the street to the mall to see the Easter Bunny. Both Clara and Jonathan were excited, though I wasn't too optimistic about Jonathan actually sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap.

While we waited in line Clara practiced her smile.

Wouldn't you know Jonathan went right up to the Easter Bunny and climbed up to him all on his own...even gave him a big hug when he was done...And wouldn't you know he would choose the one time that I hadn't gone through the trouble of putting the kids in nice matching outfits, and I chose not to fight the shoes-on-the-wrong-feet-battle (or rain boots, in this case) AND I forgot to spike up Jonathan's hair. Not to mention, it's probably the dreariest springtime picture set I've ever seen, but look, there's Jonathan buddying up to the Easter Bunny!

Clara had just one question for the Easter Bunny, "How do you move your mouth when you talk?" I don't believe she ever got an answer to that one!

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