Monday, April 13, 2009

Bunny Cake

We started a new tradition this year that I know many families have -- the Easter Bunny Cake! It was a lot of fun to make, each person got to do a little part.

Chris helped the kids make the cake. Since Easter got away from me this year, we just used a box mix, but next year I think we'll do carrot cake, of course!

You can't forget to lick the beaters!


I cut the shapes out of 2 round cakes and frosted it the night before, so the kids would be able to put the finishing touches on.

Here's Jonathan helping with the mouth.

Clara got to finish up once Jonathan decided he'd rather eat the mouth!

Licking fingers, looking at the finished project!

Ta-da! The Easter Bunny!

1 comment:

  1. this is one of our favorite traditions...we did it every year growing up, and my kids love it now too!
