Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday morning, all the families on our street got together for an Easter egg hunt. Here's all the kids lined up and ready to go.

There were a few families out of town for spring break/Easter, but for the most part these are all the kids on the street

Jonathan's ready for the hunt!

They let the little kids (Jonathan and 2 others) go first. I was surprised by how observant he was. He was actually able to find a good bit on his own.

Each kid had a quota of 12 eggs to fill.

Surprisingly Clara needed a little more direction, which speaks more to her laziness than it does her observation skills. She's actually an extremely observant child, but is also the child who will spin around in circles looking for the toy that you just told her was at her feet and asked her to clean up.

Found another one!

The dad's hid all the eggs while the mom's held the kids back. Some dads (like Chris) thought it would be fun to hid a few where even the big kids couldn't reach them on their own -- so Jonathan needed a little help to get this one from behind the rain gutter.

Purple! The day before, Chris' squadron had a picnic and they also did an egg hunt. For that one, each kid was allowed to find 5 eggs. Clara found 5 purple eggs, passing up other colors for all purple!

After the egg hunt, Jonathan decided to pick a fight with one of the other little ones over a swing, so he had to sit in time out. Here he is working the pitiful face for everyone to see!

Clara and Jonathan each got to pick just one egg -- it was only about 10am after all. Jonathan's had chocolate!

Clara found jelly bellies in hers!

Jonathan was helping Chris give some of the other kids 'underdogs' on the swings.

It was a fun morning. A great Easter egg hunt -- lots of friends and lots of loot! Followed by playtime at the park - what more could a kid ask for?!

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