Friday, March 20, 2009

Jimmie Johnson Cars

We took the kids to the Lowes Build and Grow Clinic again, the last weekend in February to make Jimmie Johnson cars. They had a blast!

Here they are ready to get to work with their aprons and little hammers.

I think Clara enjoyed the building process more than playing with the car itself.

Here's me helping Jonathan hammer his car together.

Clara worked a little more on her own, just needing Daddy's help to hold the car in place.

Decorating with stickers was something Jonathan could handle on his own though.

If only Jimmie Johnson had a pit crew like this!

Jonathan loves playing with his car!

In fact, it was really difficult to get an 'after' picture because he didn't want to stop playing with his car. Here he is driving it up his arm.

After about 5 minutes, this was the best I could get -- note the sour look and fake smile. I think I'll give up on getting a picture with everyone looking at the camera, with eyes open and hopefully smiling once #3 is born :) At that point I think I'll have to settle for being able to get all 3 in the same frame!

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