Friday, March 20, 2009

Lobster Tales

One day when Chris and I were at a loss for something to cook for dinner, we asked Clara what she'd like. She knew immediately, "Well, you know how when we go to Wal-mart and we say 'hi' to the lobsters and you said some day we could bring one home for dinner...well, how 'bout if we go get one today?!" Chris and I were in one of those moods where we just couldn't find a reason why we couldn't do just that, so we made plans with Clara that she and Chris would go pick out a lobster after her nap.

Clara was so excited that she just had to let everyone in the checkout line know that she and Chris were bringing home a lobster for dinner, to which the man behind them made some comment about how her Daddy must be rolling in dough... Just in case anyone is figuring something along the same lines, let me just stop and say this was a one time event and we only got the one lobster. Not to mention, it was so worth it to watch the wonder and excitement on the kids faces!

Here's the captive lobster on our kitchen floor so everyone could get a good look!

Jonathan was the first to 'pet' the lobster.

Clara took over from there. Jonathan doesn't much like to get his hands dirty, so he wasn't sure about the way it made his hands wet to touch it, but Clara was all about petting the lobster.

Even Clemson was curious about what all the fuss was about in the kitchen!

Clara wanted to pick it up, but it took her 2 hands to lift it. (Note the look on Jonathan's face.)

Putting the lobster in pot #1

The lobster had to wait in a holding cell (the sink) while we fetched our bigger pot, once we realized the pot I had prepared was not going to do the job!

Trying to escape!

One cooked lobster!

Clara thought it was really good. She and Chris ate the whole thing!

Jonathan and I appreciate some of the more simple pleasures in life :)

Actually, I had a steak. I am not a big fan of lobster, but step out of the way if you put crab in front of me. I tasted this lobster and it was not great. However, Clara really enjoyed it and looks forward to being able to eat lobster again. Lord help the men she dates in the future :)

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