Monday, May 11, 2009

24 Weeks

Here's the latest belly pic. I'm still smaller than I typically am at this point of pregnancy...still not complaining, esp. since that means I can still sleep on my tummy! I have had to start the transition into maternity pants now though. The little guy moves around quite a bit. Clara's convinced that we're going to named him 'Goofy Scribbles Stein'. Jonathan is still oblivious to the whole situation. My next ultrasound is on June 8th, when I'll get to see the little guy in 4D!!! Very exciting! Chris will be out to sea again, so he won't be able to be there, but his parents will be in town for Clara's ballet recital, so I've asked his mother to go along with me. She obviously had no problem with that! All nausea is pretty much gone, though I'm still exhausted all the time. I didn't have this exhaustion the first 2 times around. It gets pretty frustrating.

We've started thinking about names, but are at a bit of a loss, so maybe we will name him 'Goofy Scribbles' after all :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're finally starting to show a little belly there! You are still SO teeny tiny though - you look amazing!!! And just so you know - the exhaustion is because you are running around after TWO kids now...not just one! It makes a big difference, doesn't it? :) Your 4D ultrasound is going to be SO cool - I'm jealous!
