Saturday, May 9, 2009

Clara's Day

Tonight Chris and the kids took me to dinner. It was to beat the rush of Mother's Day tomorrow, and because we had no better plans for dinner. We had a really nice time. Both kids were in a good mood and ate without fighting with each other, and even without us constantly telling them to stop playing and EAT! (That doesn't happen much around here anymore!)

On the way home I was thanking Chris and the kids for a wonderful dinner and telling them how I already got my Mother's Day wish -- some time with my family with no fighting/arguing, and then after dinner I got to go to Lowe's where I picked out some pretty plants for our front patio! Clara decided to wish on a star since it was dark outside. Her first wish was more for me - that next year on Mother's Day we could once again have a nice family dinner and pick out some pretty plants. Then she made a wish for herself..."Wishing star, wishing star, I wish I may, I wish I might...Please make 'Clara Day' a real holiday so I can have a nice dinner with my family and get some pretty flowers, too!"
That's 2 years in a row she made an argument for a Kids' Day!
Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. She cracks me up. I guess the "every day is kids day" argument doesn't work! :)
