Saturday, May 30, 2009

Crazy Kids

The kids had a great time with Grandma Ginia here for a couple days, and she caught them doing some silly things with her camera.

One day I went to wake the kids up from their naps. When I opened Clara's door, I had to stifle my laugh so that I could get Chris and his mom to come take a look at what I found.

She had taken her shorts off and put them on her head...I have no idea why!

Jonathan spent an afternoon playing with Daddy while I took Clara to dance practice.

Daddy spoiled his dinner by giving him a smoothie and then milk and oreos. Daddy took the opportunity to teach Jonathan how to dip the oreos in milk...

and then take a bite...

even how to lick his fingers!

Clara picking Jonathan up!

I don't know the reason for the posing lately either, but she's getting good at it!

Clara even took the chance to read to Grandma Ginia -- The Diggingest Dog!

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