Saturday, May 30, 2009


About a week after our vacation to San Francisco, Chris' mom came to visit us for about 3-4 days. She wanted to be sure to see him before he headed out on deployment again (he left this afternoon). We took the opportunity to take her back to Yosemite so she could see the waterfalls. When I took my in laws up last October, the waterfalls had dried up and we had made plans to go again when they came to visit in June this year, but I don't see me volunteering to head up there in the heat while I'm 6.5 months pregnant. We had a great time up there. It was beautiful as always. I left Chris in charge of the camera this time around since we've been there so many times before and he has really gotten good at taking pics. He did an awesome job, and it was nice for me to be able to enjoy Yosemite for one just as it was and not through a camera lens! The pics are a little out of order at first because the first 10 pics or so are from Virginia's (my mother-in-law) camera.

Across from Tunnel View, Taking a break in the shade while Chris snapped some pics.

Clara insisted on bringing along her umbrella to see the waterfalls to help her stay dry.

Jonathan wanted in on this whole 'umbrella idea'

Maybe, not such a bad idea after all!

Where's that umbrella when you need it? I convinced Virginia to go all the way to the foot of Bridalveil Falls. The mist coming from the falls was freezing! Clara wanted to go all the way up though and as I took her, I realized that as you turned the corner just as you got to the look out, you were out of the shade and the sun warmed you significantly. So I ran back and told Virginia she must go, and I followed her up with her camera, but that time the wind was blowing in our direction. It was not nearly as warm or dry the second time :)

Bridalveil Falls -- so worth the cold and the wet!

Jonathan and Clara

Clara playing in the run off from Bridalveil Falls -- it was still very cold water.

Jonathan relaxing with his feet up at the picnic site -- What a life!

Posing with the kids on a cool rock

Tunnel View

Posing with Grandma Ginia at Tunnel View

Posing with Daddy and Grandma Ginia at Tunnel View

Bridalveil Falls from a distance

Run off from Bridalveil Falls. (Chris played with exposure times in some of the water pics. I'm not sure if I like the effect 100%, but the pics are still beautiful!)

All of us posing near the run off from Bridalveil Falls.

Hiding in the shadows

Little Guy, Big Guy! My Guys were dressed to match that day, and got lots of compliments on the shirts. Jonathan had the onesie too when he was a look forward to seeing these shirts again when the new baby is here!

I believe this is still Bridalveil Falls from a distance/different angle

Half Dome in the distance


One of my favorite pics

Lower Yosemite Falls

Chris and his mom at Lower Yosemite Falls

There goes Clara posing again!

Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls

Creek by the roadside on the way out

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