Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lombard Street, San Francisco, CA

After a long morning at Alcatraz, we decided to head back to the Hotel so the kids could take naps, but first we stopped by to see Lombard Street, which is supposed to be one of the curviest roads in America.

It was difficult to get a good picture the the street, but if you just follow the line of the hedge, you can see how curvy the street is.

It may be easier to see in this picture with the cars driving through.


  1. Did you realize I used to live between Pratt and Lombard Street? In Baltimore. I think in California it is pronounced LOM-bard, but in Baltimore it is lumberd--that's that Baltimore accent we natives never loose.

  2. doesn't it stress you out? it made me crazy when i saw it!!! there's NO way i'd drive it!
