Tuesday, May 26, 2009

San Francisco Snuggling

That afternoon was my favorite moment of the vacation. The whole time we were in San Fran, Jonathan insisted on sleeping in the bed with me. With 2 beds, we had hoped that the kids would take one, while Chris and I got the other - Jonathan had other ideas. Each night, we'd lay down in bed and tell the kids it was time to sleep. Clara did great with this instruction. Jonathan on the other hand would play and poke me and be all around goofy. Every night, I'd try to ignore him and pretend I was sleeping so he'd lay down and fall asleep too, but he'd eventually try to find some way to make me laugh and then we'd be awake another 20 minutes giggling.

So this afternoon, the kids and I went down for a nap while Chris headed to the hotel gym for a massage for his back which was feeling the strain of carrying the backpack, stroller, and often a child up and down the hills of San Francisco. Jonathan did his usual 20 minutes of playing, but this time when I rolled away from him to pretend to be asleep, he simply climbed up behind me, put both hands around my neck, his cheek on mine...and fell asleep! I was in LOVE!...even when it got to be uncomfortable, I didn't want to move him. Thankfully, Chris made it back from his massage before Jonathan or I moved and took some pics. This was one of those moments that will forever live in my heart, but now I have the pics too!

If you look closely in this pic, you'll see I was holding his bottom hand the whole time too. How I love this boy!

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