Thursday, May 21, 2009

Field Day

That Friday of Spirit week was Field Day at Clara's school. They set everything up in the side parking lot and invited all the families to join in the fun.

Here's Clara walking out to the lot with her class. They had them all hanging on to one of those ropes to keep the class together.

Move along...

There were air castles set up for the kids to play in

Clara had a blast!

Jonathan tried them for a while...

...but he was not in the best of moods that day. He was in a monster mood, in fact, I was so close to packing him up and bringing him home and just let Chris hang out there with Clara.

Clara loves the air castles, she stayed on them for quite a while.

Jonathan eventually found the sand and water tables and started to cheer up a tiny bit.

Especially once he started splashing all the water out of the tubs.

They had a couple tables set up with bubbles, and spray bottles, so the kids could pop the bubbles by shooting them with the water. Jonathan really liked that part!

Clara even got her face painted. Jonathan still isn't willing to let a stranger come that close to him, esp. not with the mood he was in that day.

Too Cool for School!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Tell Mr. Jonathan there will be no "Monster Kids" come August--or I will give him back instead of Scribbles! Jst kidding. Make sure you wrie down things he likes and dislikes--I am determined I am going to be very successful with him. I know Clara will be fine--she is my bestest friend--but I'm a littel worried about Jonathan. He doesn't know me well and I know will play me for all he's got. We will do fine--I'll just let him do whatever he wants to make him happy so when I leave you can deal with the fall out. Aren't grandparents wonderful??? That's why they call us "Grand"!!!!
