Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

The week before we headed to San Fran was like a 'Spirit Week' at Clara's preschool. That Wednesday was 'Wacky Wednesday'. Once I convinced Chris and Clara that it would be too difficult to put all of Clara's clothes on upside down and still have her covered properly and that it was highly inappropriate for her to wear one of my bras, this is what they came up with. My only contribution was the hair.

Wearing her daddy's 'Big Guy' t-shirt, boxers, and belt with 2 different shoes.

She had pig tails on the sides, a pony tail in the back, and the one curled up on top that made me glad she doesn't have bangs :) She, of course, contributed the wacky poses!

1 comment:

  1. And these are EXACTLY the kinds of pictures to put in my new Princess scrapbook. Have you ever seen a better princess???? Neither have I. And I was right. I can't believe how much she has changed since the last pictures. Tell Clara she has to wear a name tag when I come to visit in August so I will recognize her. She won't have any problem knowing me--I'm finished changing.
