Saturday, June 6, 2009

Daddy's Jelly Bellies

Chris left again last Friday for a 4.5 month deployment, so the kids and I have started another countdown.

I'd like to take credit for this idea, but the wives' club is actually who dropped this off at my door. I only altered it a little so both kids could be involved.

The kids wasted no time digging in to see what was in that bag!

A Jelly Belly Jar! Originally, the jar had one jelly belly for each day Chris was gone. I got some more jelly bellies, so now there are 2 for each day Chris is gone.

Each day the kids get to eat just one jelly belly a piece, and when the jar is empty, Daddy will be home! How great is that? The jelly bellies are appropriately red, white, and blue. The kids love the idea, but Jonathan is still upset every morning when I make him put his handful of jelly bellies back and take just one. Hopefully he catches on soon!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE that idea! (and of COURSE you had to put 2 in there for each day. Hello!!!)
