Saturday, June 6, 2009

11 years!

Yesterday was Chris' and my 11 year anniversary. It's hard to believe it's been 11 years already, and all at the same time, hard to believe it's been only 11 years. Chris was not able to be here once again, thanks to his deployment, but his parents happened to be in town for Clara's dance recital, so Chris' mom took me out to dinner instead. We went to Olive Garden, just the two of us, and had a nice dinner. It was only fitting, since after all, technically it was an anniversary for she and I as well...for 11 years now, we have been family!

Chris sent me these gorgeous red roses, there's 22 of them -- 2 for each year!

I was shocked by the roses, because Chris doesn't usually send them. Usually he chooses some other collection of beautiful flowers, so the roses were a nice surprise. I was a little down yesterday, for not having him home with me, but I wouldn't change a thing about the last 11 years. The good times and the bad times have helped us grow together, learn more about ourselves and each other and made us stronger as a pair. Without a doubt Chris is man I was meant to grow old with and I look forward to doing so.

I love you, Baby!

Happy Anniversary!


  1. Happy Anniversary sweetie. 11 years, pretty awesome!! I love you so much and am very very much looking forward to the next 11 years and all that it will bring.(plus the 11 after that.) We are building such a loving, fun family. I can't wait until my hard work (and yours especially when I am away) will be rewarded by us having more time together at some point in the future. I love and miss you very much and I hope you know how much I appreciate all you do and how much I appreciate your support for what I do. When people ask me what is up my standard response is an enthusiastic "Living the dream!" I think some people think I am being sarcastic, but I am not. You are a huge part of that dream and for that I love you!!!

  2. Thank you for all the kind words and I am looking forward to growing old with you as well. I love you.
