Sunday, June 7, 2009

Clara's Recital

Clara wrapped up her first dance season Saturday with her spring dance recital. She was excited and ready to show off all she had learned, not at all intimidated by being up on stage. We were not allowed to take pics during the recital, as they had professional videographers there, but we took lots of pics in her costume before and after the recital.

Here she is ready to leave the house for the recital.

After the recital, Jonathan had flowers for his big sister.

They were her favorite colors, pink and purple. She couldn't help but kiss him!

and the posing began.

She's not at all fond of being the center of attention!

Beautiful! - I love this girl!!!!

...and sassy, too.

Two of my most favorite people.

Grandma and Grandpa were able to come into town for the recital. Clara did great! She remembered more of it than I thought she would. Her class danced ballet to "Don't want to live on the moon". She had a lot of fun and loved getting all the applause and attention.

Posing like she's a celebrity -- what am I going to do with her?


  1. I'm at work right now but can't wait to get home to print pictures and put one in the "Zoe the Ballerina" picture frame. What a beautiful dancer. I can't get over the way she has all the posing down. I see trouble coming when she's 16. Reminds me of the 4 year old who told her father, "You don't expect me to wear TAHT" when he wanted her to get a one piece bathing suit and she wanted a two piece one. Wonder who THAT could have been????

  2. Clara's recital pics are very cute. I love how sweet our kids are to each other.

  3. This totally takes me back to my dance recital days! How cute!
