Sunday, June 7, 2009

A New Do

Now that dance is done for a while, and I no longer have to worry about pulling Clara's hair back in a bun, it was time for a new do! Clara asked for a new haircut a few months ago, but I asked her to wait until the recital was done, so I could get that bun in there for the big day without a million bobbi pins. She was kind enough to agree. As time got closer I asked if she still wanted it cut and how -- she said yes and picked the length -- scary that she's making these decisions already and she's only 5!

The 'before' shot. Daddy loves her long hair, but she was seriously in need of at least a trim.

How short will she go?

Can you tell?

Who is that girl? Yep! she got a good 4-5 inches cut off!

Finished and styled! Her hair looks so much thicker and healthier now. I never noticed how beautiful her hair really was.

Trying out some new poses to go with the new hair. Can you tell she hates it? Sorry Daddy, it was her choice, but it was a good one. She's even more beautiful, as if that's possible :)


  1. I LOVE the haircut. She looks so grown up. And not that I'm prejudiced or anything but she is SOOOOO beautiful. Cab you tell we are not busy tonight at work??????

  2. i LOVE it short - it looks awesome!
