Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So I thought I'd capitalize on Jonathan's great mood after Little Gym. He HATES haircuts. We're talking kicking and screaming the WHOLE time. Seriously, the last time I took him for a haircut about a month ago, we were asked to leave the first salon we went to because the first stylist said 'it wasn't safe for him or her to cut his hair' with the way he was acting (and she hadn't even started). I was mad and embarassed, and as if I didn't already dread taking him for haircuts, well, the anxiety is only heightened now that I know there's a risk we'll be asked to leave again! The mere mention of a haircut can get a rise out of Jonathan, but he was in serious need, so I took advantage of the fact that there's a salon in the same parking lot as Little Gym. I gave the stylist the same warning I always do, and explained I am not looking for a great haircut, just a haircut. I am not unreasonable, I don't expect him to have great style with the way he carries on, but he still needs his haircut! She quickly went down the list of "Have you tried...?", and yes, we've tried it all, but nothing makes a difference, so she took a deep breath and jumped in. Once she saw his reaction to the mere suggestion that we were there for his haircut, she suggested we just buzz it. I conceded.

I like him better with hair, but on the bright side, this haircut only took about 5 minutes...and 2 stylists, myself, and 2 lollipops! Plus, since it's so short, I'm hoping to get more time before the next haircut.

Jonathan still cried through the whole thing, yelling, "I'm done, I'm done!" As soon as his feet hit the floor, he was giggling again...what am I gonna do with him? He seemed to think it wasn't so bad since it was much quicker than usual, and he likes the way it feels when he rubs his head. So maybe this is the way to get him past it all, get him used to 5 minute buzz-cuts and work on his style once he sees haircuts aren't the end of the world. I don't know, I really do like him better with hair :) ...good thing it grows back!


  1. OH MY GOD!!!!!! He looks as if he should be at Beaufort or Camp Lejeunne. Now we know why he has no fear of the balance beam and the other stuff at Little Gym--he's practicing for Boot Camp (Sorry Christopher--just had to say that!)

  2. I think you're going to love it for the summer though Torie - it's SO much easier and cooler! And if it gets him through a haircut, then keep it short! :)
