Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Little Gym

We're finally starting to find our routine with Chris gone. We weren't able to find our routine in the short time between Chris leaving and his parents coming to visit, and last week I would've forgotten my head if it wasn't attached. Seriously, it's amazing I still have both kids with me. There was the day last week I forgot my purse on the chair at the food court in the mall. When I realized it 10 minutes later, it was gone! After filing a report with mall security, calling a neighbor to come pick the kids and I up, and a torturous 45 minutes, some kind and honest person turned my purse in as I was crying, waiting for my friend to come get us at the mall. I was humbled, thankful, and felt truly blessed. Also, the kids gymnastics classes at Little Gym began last week. I completely forgot to get Clara to hers on Monday and then showed up to Jonathan's class 30 minutes late on Saturday, thinking it started at 10:30am rather than 10am. Since it is only a 45 minute class, he was a little disappointed to have to leave just 10 minutes later. Thankfully, Little Gym has a very flexible make up policy, so we made up Clara's class last Weds. evening and Jonathan's class today. Jonathan's class is a 'Mommy and Me' type thing, whereas Clara's is all on her own, so I was able to get pictures of Jonathan in class today. (I'm still trying to figure out how to get pics of Clara in class without being a distraction).

Here's Jonathan at the beginning of class, singing the opening song and shaking the bells!

Parachute time! Seriously, that smile doesn't leave his face when he's in there.

Time to explore the stations. He couldn't wait to hang on the rings.

Check out those muscles!

He's been watching the big kids in Clara's class walk on these...

He was more brave than I was ready for!

They practiced forward rolls today -- this one ended with a tickle!

The balance beam -- see, much too brave for me!

That's more my speed :) He was soo happy to be in class today, and just totally thrilled with himself!

Ms. Bridget helping Jonathan hang on the bar.

Ms. Bridget helping Jonathan across the balance beam.

They close each class with bubbles, one of Jonathan's most favorite things!

After Ms. Bridget was done blowing bubbles, Jonathan army crawled around, blowing on the bubbles stuck on the mat to pop them. I was just relieved to see he wasn't licking them up!

We had a great time. Jonathan is excited to finally have a class that he can do. He spends so much time taking Clara around to her activities (school, dance, gymnastics, and zoo camp started again this week). He always wants to stay with her, but never gets that chance. This class is his time, and he LOVES it!


  1. I think these are some of the best pictures I have seen of Jonathan in a long time. He is so happy, healthy, brave--not afraid of anything. It has made my morning. I can't wait to get to California and see both the children in person. It seems so long. I still say he looks like the Wimplings--and everyone at work tells me when they look at his pictures on my lockers I could never deny he was mine. That makes me so proud. Love you all. Victoria, pay more attention to your purse--you don;t need that kind of upset right now. You know how I worry, and I want this to be another easy new baby. I just want to hold and love all of them.

  2. he looks SO happy and so brave!! I'm glad that he has a class of his own to enjoy - and hopefully it's a little bit of a break for you at least! :)

  3. Jonathan looks like he is having the time of his life. 2 happy kids you are doing stuff right! I wish I could be there to see their smiles. I miss all you guys very much. I love you!!!
