Thursday, June 25, 2009

Knock, Knock

Earlier today as I sat at this computer, checking emails and blogs and such, Jonathan climbed up in my lap as he often does. But as I tried to help lift him up to sit in my lap, he explained, "No, I listen to your belly." and curled up in my lap pressing his ear against my very round, pregnant belly.
Playing along, I asked, "What do you hear?"
Jonathan: (gasp!) "He's knocking!"
Me: "Who?"
Jonathan: "My baby brother! Can you let him out,
Me: " I'm sorry, Sweetheart, he has to stay in there a
little longer."
Jonathan: "Yes! (as if there's room for argument), I wanna
play with him!"
So maybe he does get it a little more than I thought. I wasn't sure he totally knew the connection between my growing belly and this 'new baby brother' he's been hearing so much about. He's never asked to listen to my belly before today, even though he's come to a few appointments with me and heard the heartbeat. Not much longer now and I'm sure Jonathan will be asking me if we can put his baby brother back in there :)

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